Progress Texas Merch

Y’all Means All!

When Progress Texas, a progressive non-profit promoting equality, approached me to create Pride merch, I knew the design had to be bold, inclusive, and uniquely Texan. Here's the journey from initial concept sketch to the final, powerful message.

My initial sketch featured the iconic ten-gallon cowboy hat as a symbol of Texas' diverse heritage. A rainbow arced over the hat, with "Love Wins" emblazoned above and "Y’all" nestled inside. Playful hearts and sparkles adorned the design, aiming to capture the essence of queer joy and love. The client liked the direction and requested bolder colors, which nudged me towards the next stage.

Armed with my trusty pen tool, I brought the sketch to life in Adobe Illustrator. Western-themed typography mirrored the cowboy hat's spirit, and the text at the top added a playful curve. The "Y'all" received a special touch: a slight alteration of the typeface that gave it a more playful, hand-lettered feel. I played with both light and dark backgrounds to provide them with flexibility when it came to print fulfillment.

My main focus, however, became inclusivity. I tried to incorporate colors from a wide range of Pride flags, ensuring representation for BIPOC, trans, intersex, and lesbian folks—often underrepresented groups within the larger LGBTQ+ umbrella. This inspired new slogan proposal!

While crafting the design, "Y'all Means All" started resonating more deeply with me than "Love Wins Y'all". It struck a deeper chord of inclusivity, encompassing not just sexual orientation but the entire LGBTQ+ spectrum. Additionally, placing "All" inside the hat offered better readability and a stronger visual focal point. This resonated with the client as well and the final design reflected this powerful message.

Check out their merch store to see when it drops!


Lyric Riso Animation


Confidentiality Reminders