Confidentiality Reminders

To protect the IP of my previous employer, Broadcat LLC, all designs are copyrighted and displayed with their permission for the purpose of sharing my professional design experience. They are not permitted for any other use.

Speaking of protecting information,

This project was prompted out of a confidentiality risk Broadcat’s customers experienced with employees forgetting to rid their spaces of confidential info when the were done using it.

Two common confidentiality risks

The first scenario: that big conference room dry erase board that is used for meeting notes, often packed with strategic decisions. This little graphic reminds you to wipe the board clean when a meeting ends.

And it’s designed to be just-in-time, so you’ll see it before you leave the room.

The second scenario: you hop on a video call and suddenly notice that hanging on your office wall is a memo someone just dropped off with last quarter’s financial summary. Or, you’re working from home and your niche fantasy novel brainstorm is behind you (no shame, maybe you’re not ready to reveal it yet).

This design can go on a coaster, mousepad, table card, screensaver, etc—anywhere that could be within your line of vision before hopping on a call!

I also designed a combo version that addresses both scenarios for those folks that like to maximize space & cost.


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